
Monday, October 6, 2008

Overcome the anger by non anger;
Overcome the wicket by goodness;
Overcome the miser by generosity;
Overcome the liar by the truth.
Dhammapada 223

He who speaks words that are peaceful,
Useful, and true
– Words that offend no one
Him I call a Brahmin (holy man)
Dhmmapada 408

To have much wealth
And ample possession and food
But to enjoy one’s luxuries alone –
This is a cause of one’s downfall
Sutta Nipata I. 6

Though One may conquer
A thousand times a thousand men
Yet he indeed is the noble victor
Who conquers himself.
Dhammapada 103

Easy to see the faults of others
Difficult to see one’s own
One reveals the fault of others like chaff
Blown in the wind, but conceals one’s own as a gambler
Conceals his false deco
Dhammapada 50

The friend who is a helpmate
The friend in prosperity and adversity
The friend who gives good counsel,
The friend who sympathizes –
These four as friends the wise helved
And cherish them devotedly as does a mother to her own child
Dhammapada 31


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